Submission guidelines

If you’d like to submit material, please read these guidelines carefully and e-mail us if you have any questions.

1. Please include your name, address, and phone number so that we can reach you if we have questions about your submission. (No information will be made public without your permission.)

2. If you’re submitting a story or memoir, try to limit the length to approximately 500 – 1,000 words.

3. Poems and interviews will be reviewed for word-length on a case by case basis.

4. Send your submission as part of a regular e-mail and NOT as an attachment since we will not open or respond to attachments.

4. We regret that we cannot pay for submissions. This is a project taken on as a labor of love for the Jewish community.

5. You must be the sole copyright holder of the material that you submit.

6. By submitting material to The Jewish Writing Project, you give us the non-exclusive right to publish it online.

7. By publishing your material online, The Jewish Writing Project assumes no responsibility–financial or otherwise–with regard to your work.

8. Please be patient. Writing and editing take time. We want to give each submission the attention that it deserves. (Nothing will go online without your permission.)

9. For further information or to submit material, write to us at:

8 responses to “Submission guidelines

  1. Tami


    I’d like to write an article with my Rosh Hodesh It’s a Girl Thing! group. (for more information you can check out, Rosh Hodesh It’s a Girl Thing! is a program of Moving Traditions.

    I saw you have some great questions for teens and we have a group of 9 teenagers that I think could co-write a collective article together.

    How do I do a search on your website for a sample of a teen submission? I’d like to present an example to the group before we write our own.

    Thanks so much,
    Tami (Philadelphia, PA)

  2. Tanya

    There is a cool site all about promoting Jewish writing.
    You should check it out-i told them about you too…
    I think you’r mission is incredible and inspiring.
    Thank you

  3. Bruce Black

    Thanks, Tanya, for the info and kind words. I’ll have to check out the site.

  4. love that giant list of contributors, good job building community

  5. David Schultz

    February 6, 2019

    Re your 500 word limit for submissions, is that amount still in effect? I mean,
    has that number not been increased? (I am thinking about submissions of short stories on Jewish subjects.)
    Thank you,

  6. Bruce Black

    The 500 word limit is a loose guide.
    Send whatever you’d like us to consider (as part of a email rather than as an attachment), and we’ll take a look.
    Please remember that we don’t publish fiction.

  7. Rabbi Lester Polonsky

    Do you publish poetry in Hebrew?
    If not, can you recommend a publication that does?
    Thank you,

  8. Bruce Black

    Rabbi Polonsky,
    I’m afraid we don’t publish Hebrew poetry.
    Best of luck with your poems.

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